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Shirt 1: Skopje, Macedonia

Shirt 1: Released to Hristina Ivanoska and Yane Calovski

Shirt 1 traveled with Margaret Tedesco from San Francisco, CA to the Czech Republic on August 11, 2002. After arriving in Tabor, Czech Margaret gave the shirt to Slobodanka Stevceska & Denis Saraginovski of OPA (Obsessive Possessive Agresion) an art collective from Macedonia.

OPA (Obsessive Possessive Agresion)

Slobodanka Stevceska & Denis Saraginovski

Skopje, Macedonia

Hallo Chris,

We met Margaret Tedesco in Tabor, Czech Republic and she gave us "The shirt that gets around." We brought the shirt with us in Skopje, Macedonia. These pictures are taken in Skopje at the place when we often work on our OPA projects.

Hristina Ivanoska and Yane Calovski

Skopje, Macedonia

We gave the shirt to Hristina Ivanoska and Yane Calovski, also visual artists and our friends and they will be the two next persons that will wear the shirt.

All the best,

Slobodanka Stevceska & Denis Saraginovski

OPA (Obsessive Possessive Agresion)